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Recycling in the Office

Just like everyone is given “One Life to Live”, at Redwood we believe that we have Just One Planet to Live On. With that logic, Redwood believes that we must do all that we can to take care of the planet. For a long time, we have offered clients of ours the opportunity to offset the environmental paperwork cost of each transaction by planting trees around the world in their honor. Always looking to more, today we had an opportunity to take another step towards a greener planet.

Upon inquiring on the recycling in our building, we learned that the disposal company is supposed to self-separate recycling from trash and dispose of each accordingly. However, due to the nature of this technique much of the recyclable waste becomes cross contaminated. As a result, the contaminated recyclables are no longer recyclable (especially with paper). To combat this problem, we bought recycling bins for Redwood and LivingNY (our sister company in the same building) to keep separate the recycling from the trash ourselves. This will help to save the recycling company time and increase the actual amount of recycled goods. Our hope is to increase the overall efficiency of our buildings recycling system. Every little bit counts.

David Goldberg – Managing Director